What is your leisure time like? Do you even have any? So many of us are struggling to find some spare moments in our busy, hectic lives. In the above photo, a small fishing boat floats serenely beneath the huge wind turbines.

This quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson sums up this idea…

Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life. 

guard well your spare moments

Please consider joining the ever growing community of participants in the weekly photo challenge. This week’s theme is Spare.

500 posts writtenSpeaking of moments, as I prepped my post for this photo challenge, I saw a wee notification telling me this is my 500th post! WordPress didn’t send me the badge of honor so I “made” my own!

Since I became a “serious” blogger almost two years ago, finding those spare moments of leisure has been an adventure. Blogging done right takes time and commitment, frequently using up our precious spare time.

[bctt tweet=”Blogging done right takes time and commitment, frequently using up our precious spare time.” username=”windigenredhead”]

Thank you to all who take the time to read my posts!

Take some time for yourself today and remember to guard your leisure time and spare moments wisely!


34 responses to “Can You Spare 500 Moments?”

  1. garym6059 Avatar

    Woo Hoo on 500! I’m coming up on the two year anniversary myself and not too much farther until I hit post 500 :).


    1. Terri Webster Schrandt Avatar

      Thanks! Right after I retired, I challenged myself to post daily for five months. I’ve slowed down considerably. If you want to celebrate with the badge, let me know and I can email one or you can lift one off google. Since I’m not on WP dot com, they didn’t send the badge to my stats 😦 When you hit, let’s celebrate LOL!


      1. garym6059 Avatar

        I got a 1000 follower badge last month from them, why do us WordPressers get punished by the WP.com if we are self-hosted?


      2. Terri Webster Schrandt Avatar

        Oh well maybe they are just really slow. It’s my first milestone since being self-hosted, but if you got one then you are indeed special 🙂


  2. bettylouise31 Avatar

    Congratulations on your post. I often forget to save some time for myself. The pain is down.


    1. Terri Webster Schrandt Avatar

      Thanks, BL, I hope your pain stays manageable for you 🙂


  3. Priceless Joy Avatar

    Congratulations on your 500th post! Quite a milestone!


    1. Terri Webster Schrandt Avatar

      Thanks, PJ, I imagine you must be getting close yourself?


      1. Priceless Joy Avatar

        Hmmm, I’m thinking I might have passed it but I honestly don’t remember. I haven’t been publishing many posts lately.


  4. Retirementallychallenged.com Avatar

    Congratulations on your milestone! I have no earthly idea how many posts I’ve done… perhaps I should check.


    1. Terri Webster Schrandt Avatar

      It should tell you in your dashboard 🙂


  5. Spare (Amsterdam Le Port) | What's (in) the picture? Avatar

    […] Second Wind Leisure Perspectives Can You Spare 500 Moments? […]


  6. Hugh's Views and News Avatar

    Wise words indeed, Terri. A wonderful quote.

    Congratulations on the 500th post. I’m way behind you. I don’t know why, but I never get milestone notifications from WordPress. I’m guessing they’ve forgotten about me. 😄


    1. Terri Webster Schrandt Avatar

      Thanks, Hugh! My feed just now showed that I have 500 likes. I guess that averages one like per post, LOL! I don’t get too hung up on stats (I used to).


      1. Hugh's Views and News Avatar

        Wow! I had no idea you could get that information about the number of likes. However, as you say, I think stats are important to everyone during the first few months. After that, they become far less important, otherwise your blog could end up in Gloria’s Chest.


      2. Terri Webster Schrandt Avatar

        Hahaha! As you know, now, blogging is more about the relationships. 🙂


  7. Shallow Reflections Avatar

    This is terrific advice, Terri. I work full-time, spend time with family and have two little grandsons, am involved in my church, sing in two choirs and write a weekly blog post. I absolutely need down time, and I’m an introvert, so get recharged at home with a quiet atmosphere, spending time alone and with my husband. This is a challenge and one I am constantly working on. Thank you for the reminder that spare moments are precious!


    1. Terri Webster Schrandt Avatar

      Thanks, Molly and you are so welcome! What a busy lady you are! At least you recognize how to recharge your battery!


  8. amommasview Avatar

    It’s good to take time out on a regular base. I love the quote, it’s a good reminder that sometimes we might not see the value of a moment in the first place. It’s very well said!


    1. Terri Webster Schrandt Avatar

      Oh, thanks, Sandra! We ladies are terrible about taking spare time!


      1. amommasview Avatar

        Oh yes, we are!


  9. Peaceful Journey Avatar

    Congratulations, 500 moments require dedication and commitment!


    1. Terri Webster Schrandt Avatar

      Thank you, and maybe a dash of OCD 😉


      1. Peaceful Journey Avatar

        Lol, I hear you!


  10. lisadorenfest Avatar

    Love that Emerson quote. Words to live by. Congratulations on 500 posts.


  11. marilyn1998 Avatar

    Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. pinned and tweeted.


  12. Marsha Avatar

    “..finding those spare moments of leisure has been an adventure. Blogging done right takes time and commitment, frequently using up our precious spare time.” Yes it does, so why is it so worth it to you, Terri? Great post and take on the word spare.


    1. Terri Webster Schrandt Avatar

      Thanks, Marsha! I guess writing for me is validating and making connections with other readers/bloggers are two reasons it is worth it to me.


      1. Marsha Avatar

        Those reasons resonate with me!


  13. ddr_74 Avatar

    Tomorrow’s post will be my 100th! I’ve been slacking recently on blogging, but things are picking up. I’m finding all kinds of things to write about and I’m really enjoying it… but it can be hard to carve out time for it! Like anything else, if it’s important, we’ll find a way 🙂


    1. Terri Webster Schrandt Avatar

      Yay, for 100! Summer can be a tough time for blogging, but great for good ideas. Looking forward to reading yours!


    2. Terri Webster Schrandt Avatar

      Congrats on your 100th! Summer is busy and I end up sticking with two posts a week.


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